Because we are having a Festival Fair at our church, I had to go grocery shopping 3 days early. I started to become obsessed with trying to make my fruit salad perfect most recently. I've made them twice, and it didn't turn out the way my friend made them (the one who gave me this recipes and got me started on it) but my version wasn't even bad either. I like it. But I decided to make it again, so I brought all the stuff needed (I want to write the recipes down but I have to ask friend for her permission first. It's her stuff I believe) to make them. It still sitting in my cabinet, just waiting for me to make it. And because we had too much stuff in the fridge, I want to wait until sometime this week to make them. I like to keep the fruit salad cold over night before eating them, so I need room in the fridge *grin*. I will try to take picture, if I can remember it. I love eating pasta/spaghetti so I'm always buying them. These are my speciality *grin* -- I am no Betty cooker, so you won't be seeing any fancy stuff from me *LOL* -- so I eat them almost every weeks. But it really suck when I'm the only one eating most of it. My family only eat one plate and they're done *sigh*.
I did buy Nora Roberts's latest Black Hills while I was there(see above for book cover). I've been waiting for it for awhile but now that I got it, I have to wait until I'm finish reading my current book first. I should be finish with it by the end of Sunday. So far, I only seen few reviews on Black Hills and it been good.
I did see Linda Howard's Burn but didn't grab a copy, since it's in Hardcover. But I'm anxious to hear reviews up soon, to make up my mind to get it in Hardcover or just wait for release in paperback. I would love to hear any reviews, if anyone know where to find them -- beside Barnes & Noble and Amazon that is...
I did plan to go to Barnes & Nobles and Borders, at my local home town but my friend had to cancel. Her two kids got sick and she need to stay home to be with them. We re-schedule it for this Monday coming up. And if not Monday, we try other days when she is free :) I was looking forward to get the first book to C.L. Wilson's Tairen Soul series, since my friends have raved about it (*waving* Hi Pam and BJ! *grin*). I was also planning to buy other books as well. Such as the first thrilling book of Chelsea Cain's HeartSick. When I first read reviews from other, I wasn't sure if I would be interested to reading the book (Yes, every now and than I do like reading thrilling books but not too often do I read them.) but after reading Katie from Babbling About Books, and More talked about the next installment to the Archie and Gretchen saga, Evil at Heart and then she describe the sickest relationship between Archie and Gretchen(Katie's word *grin*)- I just had to grab the first copy of the series! Here is the link, where Katie talk about Evil at Heart book. Read it Here. And lastly but not the least, I want to get a copy of Leslie Parrish's Fade to Black, her first book to the Black Cat trilogy. I heard good raves about this book too, from my Yahoo Group reader as well as from Stacy at Stacy's Place On Earth who have done a review on the book. Read it Here These books are all "new to me authors", so am looking forward to reading them.
I'm still awaiting to get my copy on Marie Force's Love At First Flight, Suzanne Brockmann's Hot Pursuit and Shannon McKenna's Tasting Fear...all coming out this month! These authors I am familiar with and auto buy and favorite authors for me :)
I will post my reviews for Edge of Midnight by Shannon McKenna and Thread of Fear by Laura Griffin soon. It either on Sunday or this up coming week. Stay tune for that...
And there is a new book coming out from Sandy Blair, historical romance author that I will announce it sometime this week. There even book cover! I love her Highlander paranormal historical romance books. These men are YUMMY! Stay tune...
To all of my friends who attending the Nora Roberts' Turn the Pages Anniversary signing events this weekend, have fun! Take pictures and I be wait for your travelogues to go along with those fun pictures :)
You probably just tired of hearing me talk about going grocery store every weeks. Sorry about that. I've try to make my blog interesting but....I see I'm not doing it good enough ;) ;) But I've done my best to not only entertained myself but two of my friends too *grin*.
In the meantime, I am off to get ready and go Festival Fair. There will be entertainment (singing, acting play, dancing, musics band) as well as foods, games for everyone to do. This should be fun. I see you later!
Have a Happy Reading and a good weekend everyone!
Now you make me want to go get a copy of Nora Roberts' Black Hills too!
Enjoy the Festival Fair, Julia!
You bought Black Hills! Yay! I'm still debating whether or not if I should buy this HC...hmm...
I hope you'll get Chelsea Cain's books soon!!!
Hope you've a great weekend, Julia!
Alice - *chuckle* are you going to get NR's Black Hills? if you ever do and want to do joint-reading with me, I be glad to :)
Melody - Yay for Black Hills *grin* --- I am anxious to get a copy of Chelsea Cain's first book. And maybe you and I can joint-read this book if you would like to? yes I know, it depend on the mood. That for me too. So whenever our moods agree to read it together than I'm all for it :)
I hope both of you had a good weekend..and thanks for the wishes for Festival Fair, it as fun!
Yes, you must try CL Wilson's series, my favorite along with Nalini Singh's Psy series.
All the reviews for Chelsea Cain have been intriguing me, too, so I have a copy now in the TBR for when I'm in the mood for to read it.
Pam P - Hey! I will try to find the first book of CL Wilson series tomorrow. I hope to find them at B&N when I get there. Plus I hope to get Chelsea Cain's book too. Whenever you finally read it, let me know your thought on the book :)
Hi Julia, I still haven't bought the book and most probably will wait for the mass market edition... Please go ahead and read it first, OK? :)
Hi Pam - I finally got a copy of the first book "Heartsick" by Chelsea Cain! I can't wait to start on it :) I'm still trying to get C.L Wilson first book, but B&N didn't have any more copy left on stock at my local bookstore. So I have to wait for them to stock it up :)
Alice - sure I read it alone than :) But not sure when I will start reading it :)
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