Okay am newbie at this TT's - so this be my first time posting! Now am nervous LOL!
1 - I'm avid reader. Have always been since I was a kid. My first book was "Harald the Purple Crayon". A story about a ghost who love to draw. And so he began to draw a line and the line take him everywhere it go...when Harald realized he missed his room, he decided to draw a window and moon and then it take him back home. After that, I began to read books from authors like Judy Blume, Beverly Cleverly..etc And books like Anne of the Green Gable, Babysitter Club..etc. Judith McNaught's Whitney, My Love was the first historical romance book I read. In between there I started to read more romance books and then I discover a romance suspense genre when I read JDRobb for the first time. I could list my favorite authors but I save that for next T13 :)
2 - I love my nieces - they are one part of the most important person in my life. I try to spent times with them as much as I can, no matter the trouble at home. They know they can always come to me when they want someone to talk to. I wish them many good life in future
3 - I love to sing ---- even if I don't have the voice and sing off keys
4 - TV show - I'm addicted to TV show. When my favorite show are on, am glue to the TV until it end. I don't like to be interrupted but I tend to anyway. I was going to list my favorite TV shows here, but I decided to save that for the next T13 :)
5 - I love to scrapbooks and make a hand-made cards or bookmarks. I have some scrapbook albums done and hope to sent it to my nieces when they get married and have family. I have done some hand-made cards and bookmarks for special occasion to my friends. It is really time consuming but it all worth it when it done :)
6 - Stay up late - I'm late owl person. I like to stay up and read until 3am in the morning. Sometime beside reading, I watch the tape I record that day or the night before. Or talk to my online friends. Not sure why I stay up so late - but I just know it run in the my family ;)
7 - I love the color purple. I have photo albums in purple, pen in purple, T-shirt in purple, purse in purple ;)
8 - I have habit of washing my hand every time I touch something outside of my home. If I go to Walmart, when I come home I would wash my hand with dish liquid soap. Or use the "Purell", a instant hand sanitizer with moisturizers and vitamin E. Mom think am crazy that I do this every times I touch something....it can't be help. I just a habit :)
9 - When sitting down, I have habit tucking one leg underneath me and swing the other leg back and forth. It happen when am nervous in crowd
10 - I get very nervous standing in the crowd. I tend to stay quiet in group unless someone talking to me.
11 - I am shy person. This is one of the thing I would like to grown out of. But once I get to know you, I won't be shy anymore :)
12 - I have fewer close friends at home than I do in the Internet cyber world! Yike!
13 - And I'm bad with grammar and spelling ;)
let me say there lot about me I can list- but unfortunately only 13 can get in ;) Have a Happy T13 Everyone!
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Darla
2. Christine Dabo
3. Victora Akrain
4. West of Mars
5. ancsweetnsassygal
6. Sharala
7. Mom To Anangel
(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Yay! You played! Go visit the TT site and leave your link, and visit other TTs, too! *happy dancing*
Hee--I knew that about the singing. ;-)
Hi there! Welcome to TT. :)
I love the colour purple too. There is something cool about writing notes with a purple pen. I also have a purple highlighter that I use. :)
Thanks for stopping by my site!
Thanks Darla! You are sweetie :) *happy dancing with Darla* -- want to sing with me? *grin*
Christine - I agree, nothing better then writing with purple pen...hmm I need to buy some highlight. Got one that is worthy to buy? Thanks for stopping by my site! :)
Hi Julia,
Great list, welcome to TT, I only joined last week myself, but it's a great way to meet new people.
I noticed your reading Mouth to Mouth by Erin McCarthy - Great book I love her.
I do the stand around thing too, don't worry, but the funny thing is I'm always loud, annoying, and peppy once you get to talking with me. It's like breaking open a shell you wish you never openend!:)
Welcome to TT! I can't wait to see what you have to say about books; I'm a HUGE book fan (in fact, I'm sponsoring a contest at my blog, with my friend Erica at Writing Aspirations. Come check it out!).
Hope to see more of you in future weeks!
We have a lot in common. I love to read also, sing, and love purple. My bedroom is decorated in purple...well, more like a shade of plum. My bed is a square canopy and I have plum sheers hanging down on the 4 corners that just match the plum in the print comforter and drapes.
My Tt is up on my 13 fav tv shows.
Welcome to TT. I'm on my 9th or 10th, who can count?
Hey, you did it! YAY!
I might consider doing the Booking Thru Thursday though... ;)
Thanks, Vicky for visting my blog *grin*. I comment back at your site :) It hard to break a habit is it? LOL
Thanks Susan for welcome - I'm avid reader and have always been :) I hope to see more of you too.
Hi sassy girl - maybe we can both sing together *grin*! But then Darla gonna have to kill me LOL! Your bedroom color sound like heaven! :)
Thanks Sarala - This is my first TT - but welcome to your 9th or 10th TT ;)
Melody - Yay me! I did it LOL ! please participate, it fun :)
I love to sing too, the other night hubby, kids and I were on the sofa watching American Idol, I said "at least I don't claim to be a good singer", my husband turned and said to the kids "I married your mom young so that she wouldn't try to persue some career in singing and make an ass out of herself".......LOL......I thought that was the funniest thing ever!
Aw I wish I was around before with TT so I wouldnt feel weird writing out answers to such old questions. I was shy when I was a kid too but I grew out of it mostly. It's uncomfortable isn't it? I especially enjoyed your introduction to books, thanks for sharing.
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