Are you subscribe to Netflix? If not what video stores do you go to? Here are my list of 13 reason.....
1. You get to chose which movies you want to watch and list them in order of preference that you want to watch first, in your queue list - This is good things! Sometime I even changed my mind and re-arrange them.
2. You can have as many movies,TV shows, musics video on your queue list as you want - I have over 150 movies in my queue, and it still growing. I wonder how I'm going to have the times to watch them all *grin*
3. Movies that are still in theatre, you can put the movies in your queues until it become available for you - This good things, because these movies are saved in your queue and place at the bottom. When it available it get push up into the queue section where all the available movies are put at.
4. The movies are shipped to you in the mails, so no driving needed...enough said *grin*
5. There is no fee or due dates - Thanks gawd! My prayer have been answered LOL!
6. You can return the movies back anytime you want -YAY this is very important for me *grin*
7. You can watch the movies over and over and over - Which I tend to do with my favorite movies all the time *grin*
8. You can have 3 movies sent to you at the same time
9. When discs is damaged, Netflix replace the disc with another one and have it shipped to me very quickly with no delay - maybe that because we have Netflix near by our house. I have had disc damaged all the time, like it won't play and it stopped in the middle of the movies. Urgh!
10. There is preview trailer screen - Love this feature! I preview these screen so that I get an idea if that movies or TV show is worth putting in my queue list or not. It very helpful. Also you get to read small tidbit of what the movies about and see the rated letters.
11. You can add your "friends" so that you can recommend a movie that you like, that you think they will like too. And they do the same to you
12. You can watch old movies and TV show that you have missed first time around
13. Netflix keep you updated by emailing you to ask when I return the movies or when did I get the next movies. I think they do this to all subscriber to see if Netflix shipped the movies in mannerly time on it schedule dates to the time when it supposedly be at your mailbox
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Amazing Gracie's Critters
2. Things Ingrid found out this week
3. Darla's Complete collections
4. Lisa's Books Read in 2006
5. Selena's Ways That All Men Are Like Superman
6. Christine's Books Bought recently
7. Jenny's Modern Conveniences Can't Live Without
8. Jaci's Reason Admire Biker Dude
9. Susan's Soy Sauce Story
10. Things That Have Kept Us Apart
11. Things That Tinaline Excited about
12. Skyscribbler Books to Win
(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Julia, I knew you will do this one day, because you are such a TV addict! LOL. Happy TT!
We've had it in the past, dropped it for a while and have it again...I have watched some great indie and foreign films I never would have seen!
very interesting T13 list!!! now i'm thinking of joining NetFlix!!!
Oh, I LOVE Netflix. Even though it does take about a week to get them delivered, at least they do ship them APO.
Nice thing for us is that they let us have 4 separate queues, so that, for example, when we send back a family movie, we get a family movie in return. It keeps me from having to fiddle with the queue all the time, and keeps us from ending up with 4 grown-up movies at once and nothing for the kids to watch. :)
We watched all of Buffy from Netflix. Then we kept the last disc for like 5 months and decided were probably weren't too into anything else.
Happy Thursday 13.
Netflix ROCKS!!! Totally! I couldn't live without it anymore! :)
Ooohh Netflix. I wonder if I get that in Canada. Going to have to look into that one...
Hi Melody - you just know me so well LOL ! Thanks for being here and be my biggest blog fan :)
Amazing Gracie - That is the thing to discover...I have watched some stuff that I would never have seen either!
Ingrid - I hope you do join netflix, it wonderful thing
Darla - I remember being so surprise you got 4 seperate queues! But it make sense to have them seperate consider you want the little one to enjoy movies too *grin*. Thanks for being my biggest T13 fan, Darla! I know I can always count on you :)
Lisa - LOL - Isn't it great that we get to keep the movies as long as we want until we tired of it and return them? *grin* ;)
Selena Kitt - I couldn't live without my Netflix either, I LOVE them :)
Christine - I do hope it available in Canada, it really inconvience for me and I think you would love them as much as I do :)
Thanks everyone for visiting my blog - Happy T13 and I hope you all have a nice day!
I keep hearing such great things about NetFlix...guess its just a matter of time before I start my own membership with them.
Happy TT!
We just joined Netflix and I love it so far. I'm anxiously awaiting my next movie to arrive *g*
I don't watch enough movies to make NetFlix worth it -- yet. I'm sure they'll come up with a plan for people like me and then I'll dive right on in.
Cool TT; thanks for visiting West of Mars again this week!
We had signed up to netflix when they first came out... it was pretty awesome. We moved and canceled our account... but we've thought about signing up again.
My husband and I have had Netflix for a few months now, and we love it! We don't feel bad if we get a crappy movie, because technically we don't pay for it (since its so much cheaper than the store!)
I've always wanted to try it. You give a good case for it! I should print it out and make my DH read it, LOL! I'd especially like the TV series seasons.
Happy TT!
Jenny - when you do sign up, le me know how you like them :)
Jaci - Isn't Netflix great?! I have 3 of my movies here and slowly getting to them. Good thing though that there no due dates ;)
Susan - I do hope they have plan made just for you. If there any, you would let us all know, right? ;)
Rashenbo - I hope you re-consider signing up again :)
Ctina - LOL you are so right about that. We don't have to pay for the crappy movies LOL
Spyscribbler - Netflix is good way to catch up on some old TV show series that you missed first time around. I have done just that with others shows. :)
Thanks everyone for stopping by today - I wish everyone a Happy T13 day.
I don't have Netflix, but it sounds like I need to get it!
Happy T13!
I used to belong to Netflix, but I watched so many movies, I ran out!
I've been a member for like 3 years ;) Great service!
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