Booking Through Thursday
It happens even to the best readers from time to time… you close the cover on the book you’re reading and discover, to your horror, that there’s nothing else to read. Either there’s nothing in the house, or nothing you’re in the mood for. Just, nothing that “clicks.” What do you do?? How do you get the reading wheels turning again?
- This is the good thing about TBR piles. With the growing piles, you never have to worry about running out of books *grin*. My piles are grouped into many different genres: Romance Suspense, Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Erotic Romance, the mainstream, series books...etc. And whatever my moods play, is the one I will chose to read. And if I'm not in the mood for one genre then there is always other genre to try. And it is the good thing when people either raves or spread the "words of the mouths", about a book you would know your TBR piles is going to grow and grow....
Back then, before internet came to my life, I use to stick with only a few authors/books. TBR piles never existed back then. And I had to always constantly worry about what to read next. Or how to get myself get into the reading habit again. And so what I did was to read a very thick and long books so that it would felt like I been reading for month. And not worry about not having any more books to read. But the thick, long books only lasted me about 2 days to finish. I used to read straight through and never stop for any reason except for bathroom/lunch break. I remember that I used to go through days without books and wondering when the next book(s) will be out. That was when I use my TV times to pass those few months until a new book is out.
Thanks goodness to internet and friends! I am never alone as long as people keep on spreading the raves, recommendation and "words of the mouths". My TBR piles will grow. Can't live without TBR piles....Running out of books to read, is a scary things! *grin*
Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!
The internet certainly increased by TBR collection. I used to have a manageable one, with an end in sight, but now my TBR books are endless in number. I am not complaining though. :-)
The internet has upped my wishlist but lowered my TBR pile thanks to BookCrossing. I want to read and release my books rather than have them gather dust on my shelves.
My response is up too.
Hi Julia, you read fast, and you read furious! LOL. 2 days for a thick book is amazing. I reckon that's possible if you read straight through. I can only do this on weekends, if it is at all possible. Chances for me to do so is quite rare, I'd say. :)
I agree with you. The Internet has certainly help me to buy lots of books, both new and used. I go to Abebooks.com for out-of-prints or used books, and Amazon.com for new ones not available in M'sia. Plus stuff I bought from the brick-and-mortar bookstores, you can imagine how the books are piling up...
Running out of books to read IS a scary thing. LOL. Happy weekend!
Hey Julia, I know about your TBR pile, and also your passion with romance supsense! ;P
And your right that our piles are getting higher and higher due to recommendations. And there it leads to my favourite quote: So many books, so little time! :D
I've bought and discovered so many new authors through the Internet its amazing. And I have to say I love ebooks for that reason too. If I find I have nothing to read, I can always download something.
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