(Contemporary Romance)
Susan Johnson website
4/5 stars
Nicole Lesdaux, an L.A. architect, was hired by producer Johnny Patrick to create a tree house for his little girl. They hoped she be done within a month before his little girl birthday. But Nicole can't seem to say no to them, even when she has an unlimited budget when it come to her business. But Johnny is such so hunky and sexy that she couldn't help it not to look. But mixing business with pleasure with Johnny is no no. And she tried to keep her self busy with creating a tree house.
But when Johnny's ex-wife a drug addicted Lisa take their daughter Jordi to Paris, Johnny asked Nicole to accompany him to Paris as his translator while he bring his daughter back home. He was worry that his daughter Jordi will be scared in a place she never been before. Knowing Lisa and her choice of friends, he worries what danger she can bring to their daughter if they're were together. Johnny find himself always having to rescue Lisa, every time she get into trouble.
But one thing lead to another and all of sudden they're flirting into bed. Nicole fell head over heel in love with Johnny and couldn't keep her hand off of him. Their time together was spontaneous, sexy and fun. And now she afraid that when they leave and go home, their love affair end too...
The book said it contemporary romance, but it drawn toward being a little erotic with profanity. But that normally do not bother me at all. I read lots of books like that. I find myself wondering if the romance between Johnny and Nicole were believable or not. While there were flirting and sex I just didn't feel the spark between them that much. But they were smart, sassy, humor and sexual satisfying. I love Johnny interaction relationship with his daughter Jordi. You can tell he is good father and he taken good care of her and love her very much. I did enjoy the book and I thought the characters were likable, charming and fun :)
This is the first book I read by Susan Johnson, so I don't know how erotic, mild or how good her other books are. I probably will try another of her book to see if my reaction any different than this one. I normally give authors a second chance before deciding if I want to go buy their backlist. Sometime three time a charms does work ;)
Julia, so it seems this is the first Susan Johnson's book you read. I read several of her books, and they are more towards the erotic genre. Her books seems all right with me though.
If you have picked up and read her books several time, there must be something about her books that keep you coming back to her for more. Even though you're saying she seem all right with you :)
Is there any recommend of which book I should read next?
So far I had read her novellas. The titles are:
1) Delighted
2) Captivated
3) Fascinated
and a few historicals I can't remember.
Since they're novellas then they are short :) I will try to see if I can get a copy of one of these books. Are all 3 connected?
Hmm...I don't think so.
I have not read any of her work, maybe later... Hehe...
Thanks Melody for the help :) And Alice....maybe the second I try by this author might change my mind. If it does, I let you know hehe
Oh yes... please lemme know what ye think. :D
LOL, well, I'd recommend not trying Hot Spot or her story in Twin Peaks (though the other 2 stories in that anthology were VERY good, so it's worth checking out--just skip the SJ story).
Darla - I went back to your blog to see the reviews you made for both Hot Spot and the story in Twin Peaks and saw the grade -- wow!
About the author with two stories in Twin Peak ...I'm curious about Jasmine Haynes books. I never read or heard of her before....
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