I'm sure that in everyone lives, friends come and go or they stick with you forever. Friends who you meet when you were kids or just the one you meet along the way in your growing up stages. Some are wonderfully amazing and other are just fun to be with. Some you can count on and other you can understand. And even when they're gone...their memories bring you good times and made you appreciate having them in your life. Here is the list of my friends who I want to thanks for being there for me in good and bad. They either still friends to me today or long gone, but I still appreciate YOU (them) for being in my life!
1. Jamie - She was my first friend. My childhood best friend, my oldest friend and still is today. When we met she was 2 year old and I was 4. Great memories together. She taught me what friendship is all about.
2. Alicia - She is Jamie's little sister (see above), who is also my childhood bestfriend. When we were little she use to blocked me from the doorway of her house so I won't take her toys. She still remain my friend today, too.
3. Beth - She was my first elementary classmate friend. I went to her slumber party once, and we watched the movie "Breakdance". It was cool movie.
4. Michelle - She was the tough "cookie" friend. Always bully and being mean to my two best friend, Jamie and Alicia (mention above). Of course her brothers always think they need to bully me LOL.
5. Hanh (Connie) - A Chinese friend who I had class with in elementary but never be friend with until we got to middle school. It was then when I started to hang out with her. She moved to Texas for job there.
6. Amelia - My closest Asian friend. I went through up and down with her including being there for her, since her brother died. I use to hang out at her house all the time. She was married but recently divorce with two kids. Last I spoken to her, she has "MySpace" set up.
7. Kathy - My highschool friend, who I talked with everyday during lunch hours. She made me feel comfortable around other people when I was such a shy person.
8. Kim - My Asian best friend. She and I had lot of thing in common. Same life, same history. We understood and comfort each other when our parents was always strict with us. We use to write snail mail and updates on each other with pictures too. Now with family, letters is far away from priority.
9. Elli - Another good higshschool friend who I had classes with. She understood my hearing impaired more then anyone of my classmate ever could. She helped me get through the class assignments everyday. Very nice and very sweet.
10. Sami - Another Asian best friend. She and I meet through online chatting. And from there we have kept in touch since. She got married, a daughter and struggling through college and work at same time. I been there for her through her up and down when she was just in her pregnancy. Every years around Christmas, she share with me an update photo of her daughter Kelli. A darling little girl who just turn 5yrs old.
11. Darla - She is also my online friend. I met her from JDRobb group. There are many wonderful, sweet and generous ladies in that group and I happy to call them my friend too. Darla have been very helpful to me through the times I was in that group. We talked about our family, books and moderation the group. She been great friend who I enjoy talking with. Lot of laughs.
12. Casper - Another Asian friend who live overseas. I met her through a friend from my JDRobb group. We became friend since. Every now and then she kept me updates emails on what going on with her. She live in Vietnam, the place I was born (I was raised here in America). She very sweet.
13. Melody - Another online overseas great friend, and is today. She and I talked everyday through emails. We always teasing and jokes with each others. We talked about books, family and life. We have books in common and it even scary that we discover we are a long lost "twin sister"...okay in our mind! ;) She have been a wonderful and great friend to me, even when I know I been a little hard/harsh on her. But never really mean to do it. But we have lot of laughs everyday. I'm so glad she my friend and hope we continue to be friend for long time - Thank you :)
What about you? Who are some of your friends from kids to adult life that you appreciate in your life? And why?
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Thomma Lyn's Blog Anniversary
2. Susan: Things Trevor Had to Say
3. Christine: Randsom Thoughts
4. Melody: BTT Encore
5. Alice: June Reading Challenge
6. Tink: Google Services
7. Jeannine: Songs
8. Darla: Summer Recipes
(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Sounds like you've got some wonderful friends! And what a sweet tribute to them. :)
Happy TT, and thanks for visiting my blog!
I love blogs that are tributes to friends, even if I don't know the friends. So nice to be reminded that we all have lives outside of our computers.
Have a great TT, Julia! Have the bookmarks arrived???????
This is a beautiful TT. It's wonderful to have such great friends.
Hey Julia, what a great surprise, and not to mention a great TT list! ;P I'm so honoured to see my name on your list...thank you for your friendship. I will treasure it always. :)
You go, Mel!!! I was 99.9% expecting Mel's name to be here. And true enough, it is! I'm a psychic! Hahahaha...
It's so nice to have friends like these!
You have some truly wonderful friends. That is something very special. You've done a beautiful tribute for them. :)
Happy Thursday!
Thomma Lyn - I do feel like I have wonderful friends *grin*.
Susan - I agree, and I do too. Yes I did get your booksmark! Thanks so much, I love them!
Christine - Thanks for compliment, I feel that way too.
Melody - It is an honor to have met you, and am so glad to call you my friend :)
Alice - WOW you're psychic?! Can you tell me if I'm gonna win lottery soon? haha! I consider you my newest friend *grin*
Christine - Thanks for the compliments. I'm lucky to have them :)
Thanks everyone for stopping by. I really appreciate it :) Have a good day
Thank you Julia!! You're my newest friend too... :D
I know Julia is going to buy MORE books. Hahahahaha!
Alice - Wonderful, we both can be each other newest friend! WOW you can see me buying more books in future? hmmm..is there any room for man with nice butt in there? hahaha!
What a wonderful TT, a tribute to friends!
Thanks for visiting my Google TT.
I can see that too. A hunk coming your way, Julia. WHOA!... And what nice rear he has... *drools*
"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
- Anais Nin
Aw, ***smooches*** Julia! I'm very glad to have you for a friend, too!
Sorry I didn't get by here sooner--it's been hectic lately. :)
Tink - Thanks for your compliment and being here.
Alice - LOL...a nice looking hunk with nice looking butt hehehe
Jeannine - love the poem quotes. Thanks
Darla - *blushing*...awww thanks!....I hope you not exhausting yourself asusual, take care of yourself :)
Thanks everyone for visiting my blog, hope you have good day!
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