(Romantic Suspense)
Nora Roberts website
5/5 stars
*Note*-- this is another re-reading for my reading group. This story have been discussed about three weeks ago, but I just now got around to re-reading the book to post a comments for the discussion for the group. This is a two classic novels from the thrilling series titles Night Tales, which is published into one book with the story consisted of Night Shift and Night Shadow. I only read Night Shift but will read the other one later...
Cilla O'Roarke, an radio DJ announcer for KHIP station in Denver, was being threatened by an stalker caller, during the request line segment. Then the police was brought in and she met Detective Boyd Fletcher. At first she protested his intrusion into meddling with her life just to protecting her, since she is strong girl who take no order from anyone. And she didn't want the stalker to frighten her away from her job, the one things that she loves and is good at. But then the stalker seem to know her every move and know just where to find her. And Cilla began to get scared. She finally given in and let Boyd know her fear. A strong attraction sizzled between them that couldn't be denied and it drive them both crazy. But dating a cop is one thing Cilla want to avoid. No matter how much Boyd push for an answer to why, she just couldn't tell him or he going to have to find out about her past too.
After the scare from a party, where Cilla DJ for them, the stalker somehow sneak in a threaten notes that made Boyd decided to take her away to his cabin. But before he take Cilla away, Boyd done some search and look into her background not only to help the investigation but to better understand her and protect her too. He and his partner, Althea Grayson tried to work together to find the stalker before it get to Cilla
Cilla grew to get to know Boyd better and found he not what she thought he seem to be. Cop who inherit good money. But in a couple of few weeks since they met and a romantic giveaway in his cabin, Cilla fell in love with Boyd, even though she stubborn refuse to admit it to him. And she try to forget the fact that he is a cop, just like her mom. After all there far more important things she need to think about, her job and her little sister Deb.
Then the truth of the stalker identity came out and Cilla is being confronted. And she wonder if she will make it alive or if Boyd get hurt before the stalker get to her.
I love how easy the reading flow. The characters were wonderful and strong. The romance was sizzling and sweet. I love that Cilla is DJ and play some musics for request line segment. Anyone who know me, know that I love to sing(off key *grin*). And when am in the car on a road trip, I often listen to request line on radio station. Hearing people tell stories about their special someone and why they request that songs. It a comfortable feeling knowing that someone, somewhere out there is in loves. I also love how the old classic musics is being played and on the air contest. very realistic. The re-reading was worth it :)
Nora Roberts did it again! There no books I have yet not to like. You can't go wrong with anyone of her books. I recommend her :)
Hey Julia, great review! Glad you enjoyed this one. I have this in my TBR pile too! :P
I echo Melody. Great review!
I think Piggy Bank is REALLY going to retaliate. LOL. I saw this title at Kino yesterday and was lingering around Nora's corner. Very tempted. Very. Hmmm...
P/S: I sing off-key too. *GRIN*
Alice, go ahead and buy it! As Julia always like to say: you can't go wrong with NR's books! LOL.
WOW! So Melody, are you saying that you agree with me? LOL
Thanks you both(Alice and Melody) for the compliments on this review :)
You bet I do, Julia! LOL.
Yay! As long as Melody agree then I'm HAPPY! *doing the stupid snoopy dance* LOL
I'm hoping Alice will join you in the dance, hehe.
*Alice dancing Snoopy Dance*
I didn't buy this title BUT I did buy the other two books in the Circle trilogy to 'complete the picture'. Heheheheeee.
Whoohooo Alice, so glad that the scary part from the first book of Circle trilogy didn't push you away from reading NR's books *grin*.... *snoopy dance time* heheh
I think the book that scared me most of all was "Divine Evil". I was creeped out when I read it, and it was the one I wouldn't let my brother read.
I had all four of the Night series (or is it five?) before they did the re-release ehehe. I still want to buy the re-release books for my collection's sake.
This book looks great :) It's amazing how fast and much that woman can write in one year.
Kat - I thought "Divine Evil" was good book, even thought I was bit creeped out too. The ending made my hair from the back of my neck stir up LOL. I have collected almost all of NR's books. I just need to get the rest of re-release books from the classic one. And Promise Me Tomorrow, which is hard to find.
Erin - I agree, Nora does write so fast..doesn't she. Glad to see another Nora's fan here :)
Have a good day you two :)
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