Ten On Tuesday
I Will Never.....
1. - Order Pizza Hut at the same address place - I order pizza online and there were two place nearest to my house. The first choice we chose, took about 2 hours for them to deliver to our house and by the time it came to our door it was cold! The second time, I want to switch it to the other address but I have no idea how to do it. So I end up ordering at same place again. And twice it was cold too! ugh!
2. - Never ask someone a questions that was meant to be asked for someone else behalf. I get eaten alive and blamed if I ask a questions that wasn't from me. Why shoot the messenger LOL
3. - Went on a blind date few times, and it was disaster! Why let someone put me in blind dates when I hate to do this to others people *shrug*. I will never do this again
4. - Agree to do something for someone and than end up delaying it. I don't like to have someone wait too long for it and than feeling angry at me for it
5. - Borrow books from my friend Annie. Anytime I do, I took a very long time to sent it back to her. I don't like doing that to her when she have been so nice to me :)
6. - Go shopping in the malls alone. It never fun being by yourself sometime. I want a company of friends to talk with while we shop.
7. - Never forget to make sure the stoves are turn off before leaving the house
8. - Tell a guy that he had nice butt, I swear it was by accident hehehe. I was horrified about it all ;) LOL!
9. - go anywhere without eating first. Every time I do, under the hot moisture heated sun in the car, I get very nauseated and sick.
10. - Never make people think I can swim, I almost drown from it
Hey Julia! I can see you have some list here...hehe. I don't agree with your #6 because sometimes I do need some personal shopping time. Although it's nice to have friends to go along with you, but having too many will spoil the fun too if everyone has her own opinions, hehehe...
Your #8 crack me up!!! LOL. I wonder who was that guy whom you have paid compliments to, hehe. ;P
Happy Ten on Tuesday! I won't be participating this week as you know I don't have the full list.
Melody - That why I said SOMETIME it never fun shopping by yourself. Not all the time :)
As for who the guy....it was stranger! Very embarrassing moments LOL...thanks for stopping by!
Re #8: Was it Sebastien??? LOLOL.
I prefer shopping by myself. In fact, I do that a lot, especially shopping for books. I hardly shop for anything else. Hehehee...
A very eclectic mix. Thank you for sharing!
p.s. I ALWAYS shop alone. "The Hubby" won't shop with me....
Happy ToT!
These are great! I agree about shopping alone... who will convince you to splurge?! ;)
#8 cracked me up too, great list! Happy TT!
LOL on #8. I'm a 'butt girl' too!
Thanks for dropping by my Ten on Tuesday
Alice - I sure wish it was Sebastien, but it wasn't LOL! I normally shopped for books on my own too. Because I take too long to decided which books I want LOL
Jennieboo - Well, I weren't think it fun to shop with Hubby..they just dont' understand the reason for it LOL
library girl - LOL yeah your friends can convince you to splurge and than you might want to blame them after you saw the bills LOL..kidding!
Irishcoda - it was really embarrassing moment though..my cheek turn two different shade of pink - and it was pure innocence accident LOL
Hootin'anni - Me too, I'm butt girl LOL....you're welcome
Thanks everyone for stopping by my blog. Have great Ten on Tuesday!
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