Happy Thursday Thirteen! These are my slideshow of a few of my Favorite Things! After the first picture, the 2nd-5th pictures are bookmarks hand-made by me. I made it for a friend when we participated in Bookmarks Exchange. It is made with scrap papers material and embellishment are added in. The bookmark with the Fairy, said "Li, Let Your Imagine Fly". The bookmark that had woman in black is suppose to be Nora Roberts and it said "Nora as JDRobb" and she holding a small white paper that said "#1 New York Time Bestselling Author". I love making these bookmarks! I also cross stitches the Precious Moments and sew it into pillow for a friend 4yrs ago, on Christmas. She now pass it to her daughter. I really enjoy doing these project. It explain why I love to cross stitches and scrapbooks. And I hope to do more projects soon :)
As for the rest of the pictures, these are my family and everyone know I love to read!
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Great slideshow. I had to chuckle seeing the cell phone there. lol Happy T13!
nice slideshow, Julia! I wasn't surprised to see your nieces in there, or the books. Those bookmarks are beautiful!
Hey, Julia - what a cool idea, to do a slideshow! The cell phone is indeed a nice touch, but the bookmarks are fantastic! I'm impressed with your visual creativity; I'm visually hopeless.
Hi Julia,
It's great to see you.
Your book marks are lovely!
That's one more thing we have in common, my neices are my favorites too.
Happy TT!
Lovely list and creative slide show!
Adelle - LOL I have to add my cell phone. It my favorite thing LOL! Thank for comments about my slide show
Darla - I must have talk about them to death LOL....thanks for comments on bookmarks & slide show
Susan - It so nice to see you again! Thanks for comment on my bookmarks. They were so much fun to do! The bookmark matched the personality of the person I was given it to. Now, I wish I kept them! LOL
Christine - It nice to see you again too! I notice you love to scrapbooks so I can see how we have common in that. It nice that we also love our nieces hehehe
Tickledpink..nicole - Thanks for comments!
Thanks everyone for stopping by. I hope you have good day/weekend ahead!
A lovely idea for a TT, and those are some beautiful bookmarks.
I loved the slideshow that you made, rather than just listing the thirteen things. It made it so much more interesting.
Hey Julia! I enjoyed viewing your slideshow. I love bookmarks too!! That reminds me that you still haven't sent one to me as promised, LOLOL! ;P
What a great way to do a TT!
Robin - Thanks for comments about my bookmarks :)
Chelle - Thanks for comment. It sure is easier to just do slide show instead of just listing it and not make the blog too long :)
Melody - Your books mark are sent out to you. IT just take LONGER to get to you. Like the packages that I sent you. Plus, yesterday I just got your Xmas card. See..it took that long to get to me to you or the other way around LOL
Nicholas - Thanks for comments. I enjoy doing this slide - show. It was fun :)
Thanks everyone for stopping by - I hope you've a good days/weekend ahead :)
Those bookmarks are amazing!
I can't believe you have just received my card, oh gosh! That really takes a long time....haha...
I'm looking forward to receiving your bookmark, thanks so much! {Hugs} :)
Beautiful slideshow Julia! The first pic (opened book) got me hooked. The next one (bookmark) was so pretty... I used to cross stich too. Just the other day I was telling my sister I'll start doing that again once I'm done with my studies. Right now, it's total concentration on that. Well, not exactly total... Blogging and other reading must exist to keep me sane!
Your friends are soooo pretty. Just like you! :D
ladytink - thanks for comments. I really did enjoy making those booksmarks. I only make them when I participated in Bookmarks Exchange. I wonder if anyone want to see the bookmarks close up to see details on them?
Melody - yep it took me that long to get anything from you. It was like that last year LOL...can't wait to see what you think once you got the hand-made bookmarks
Alice - thanks for comments. Glad you enjoy the slide show as much as I enjoy making it. The Precious Moments cross stitches too me weeks to have that done. Than sewing it together to make pillow before sending to my friend, afterward. And you know...you're sweet and pretty too :)
Thanks everyone for stopping by. I hope you've a good day!
What a cute idea for TT! Love love love homemade bookmarks! Thanks for sharing!
Great slideshow. Good to see Tink in there! :-)
Thanks for visiting my expensive cities TT.
Holly - Thanks for the comment! I too love bookmarks. I get lot of them from many friends on-line.
Tink - Thanks for stopping by. "Tink" actully took me less than 30 minute to do it. If you look closer, there is white glitter tiny "dragonflies" flying around "Tink". :)
Thanks both of you for stopping by...I hope you've a good day :)
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