Booking Through Thursday
I had a post ready for today, but I liked this suggestion from Chris even better, so … thanks, Chris! Here’s something for Valentine’s Day.
Have you ever fallen out of love with a favorite author? Was the last book you read by the author so bad, you broke up with them and haven’t read their work since? Could they ever lure you back?
- I'm sure there have been some authors I have fallen out of love with who was among my favorite. But than I think it because (in my opinion) some authors do well in one genre but not too well in the others. Why changed when they write so well in writing the genre they do the best in? And I have heard more readers still love their older books more than the recent one out there. I admit some do very well in doing both genres while other just don't click with me. I applaud all authors for trying both (or many others) genres and satisfied the other readers who love those genres more than I would. I do understand how hard they work on it. And it weren't be fair to give them a chance. And I also realized that some genres are popular now these days, but does everyone have to follow that same path? The changed in genres for example: From historical to romance suspense or from romance suspense to paranormals.
But just because I fall out of love with them does not mean I won't continue to read them again. I still have some favorite in my TBR pile but it just taken me slowly to pick them up and read it. I think I'm just waiting for that zing to strike, you know...those thing call "mood" *grin*.
What about you?
Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!
Hey Julia, my long lost sister! LOL. (You should know what I mean) ;P
Of course I have to agree with you on this, hehe.
See, told ya that we think alike *grin*. It took me awhile to think of what to say though LOL...thanks for visiting..as always :)
LOL. You're welcome, as always. :D
Sometimes the genre switch doesn't work for me.
Yah there's some authors that need to stick with what they're good at and not reach out into other genres. Especially ones that have a very distinctive "style". Usually when they cross genres you can just tell by their distinctive style that their writing doesn't fit. It would be like if M. Night Shamalyan directed a comedy. Yeah, it probably wouldn't be so funny.
Recently I discovered that the Romance authors I liked as a teenager in the Mills and Boon and Harlequins, I can barely read them now. SUppose we ooutgrow!
My BTT post!
Nice answer. Some writers can do it, and some can't!!
Happy Thursday....and Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm with the sometimes you outgrow someone. And sometimes, the author bows to the pressure and can't produce.
But there's always someone new to discover!
I'm new to fiction but I'm getting acquainted to a few authors. Still haven't got bored with any of them yet, but I did give up on a few after a few pages of reading. Ah yes, the mood thang. It's inevitable...
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