Email - Of course everyone familiar with this thing hehe. I love getting mails in my email inbox (except for spams stuff - yuck!) daily. Always looking forward to read what someone else have to say about different topic :) And then getting personal emails from family..great way for me to keep in touch with those who are distance away from my home :)
Ellen Show - I have always been fan of her show since day 1. I enjoy watching her show cause it fun, hilarious, entertaining and of course there is dancing. I love the dancing part :) Ellen is sweet, fun and generous person too. No wonder her show is still standing :)
"Everything I Do, I Do It For You" (song)- Love this song every since Brian Adam sing it. And when I saw the movie Robin Hood I love the song even more.
Emily - My bestest sister. It been awhile since I seen her but we kept in contact through emails (thanks goodness for Internet world!). I missed her very much and hope she come to visit us soon. Things at home isn't same without her. :)
"E.T" (movie) - First movie I ever really cry over when I was kid. First time I saw it, I thought E.T was strange creature and was set to dislike the movie. But once I keep watching, I grew to love E.T. afterward. Funny how kids of today don't feel the connection with E.T movie Vs the kids who did get the connection and saw it back then. Guess the time have changed :)
"ER" (TV show)- Was hooked to the show from the first day it aired. Most of all the original and past actors/actress were more better then the people who still on the show today, IMO. I miss the characters from the past the most. Since then, the characters now are just okay with me. So now these days I either miss it or watch it. But I still like watching the show though.
"Extreme Bachelor" (book)- Julia London, a Contemporary, Women Fiction, is the author of this book. "Extreme Bachelor" book #2 and it is part of the trilogy of Thrillseekers, Anonymous (which mean it is a members-only adventure service that caters to the rich and famous). I love how Julia write characters emotions and deep relationship interaction.
The Eagle - This group sang so many good songs in those days. I use to listen to their musics over and over again. Drive my family nut LOL! Some of my favorite were: "Hotel California", "Lying Eyes", "I Can't Tell You Why", "Heartache Tonight", "Tequila Sunrise", "Love Will Keep Us Alive", "Wasted Time"...etc.
"Eyes of the Tiger" (song) - Yep, I sure love to listen to the musics of this song in the old days. Still do today. It rock! I use it when I walk-exercises. And the fact that this song was from motion picture movie "Rocky" (or was it? Someone correct me if am wrong), one of the movie I love to watch repeatedly as well. And YUMMY Sylvester Stallone is in this movie, what not to like? *grin*
"Eve Dallas" - The main heroine character from Nora Roberts' In Death series. She is kick butt with attitude. She have her funny moment too. She made me chuckle with every comments or reaction she does all the times. And what else, I wish to be her so that I can have my hand all over Roarke for myself hehehe.
"Even If I Cry Without a Word" - Okay this is Korean lyrics song that was from the Korean Drama TV Show "Bad Love". I don't know the languages or understand it but thank goodness it subtitle it in English for me to understand the Drama show. The song is sung in Korean Romanticize lyrics but when translated in English, I understood what the song mean or saying. Love the song and listen to it so often!
"Eight Is Enough" - Anyone remember this show? It was hit in 70's and ran until 80's in it 5th season. I love watching it when I tune in late. It American television comedy show and it was lot of chao lol
"Ever After" - It a different version of classic fairy tale, Cinderella Story starring Drew Berrymore and Dougray Scott. I really love this version and thought it was beautiful and real done. I normally don't watch lot of Drew Berrymore movie but I think she was perfect for the role of Danielle (Cinderella).
1. Melody: Booking Through Thursday
2. Irishcoda: Ways To Save Money If You Have Diabetes
3. Hootin's Anni's: Letter Perfect
4. Adelle: lyrics to classic rock songs mis-translated to English.
5. Darla: Spring Break in the Bayerischer Wald
(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Julia, I've noticed a lot of shows related theme here, hehe... ;P
That's a great list, I'm not sure I could come up with 13 starting with E!
I really like Ellen DeGeneres too!!!! [is that how her last name is spelled? it doesn't look right. LOL]
Have a terrific Thursday...my t-13 is posted too, it'll take a bit of doing to comprehend it all, but it's worth a shot. Come see if you can decipher it.
I'm an Ellen fan as well. Fun list. Happy T13!
Hey, I like the songs from Robin Hood and the Eagles and Eye of the Tiger, too! I knew we liked a lot of the same movies and books, but this I didn't know. Cool. :) I like Ever After, too.
And of course you know I like Eve Dallas and Extreme Bachelor.
Great list!
The Eagles were a great band, weren't they. I liked their songs, too.
Happy TT!
I like the Eagles too. Happy TT.
I watched the Ellen show for the first time this year, when I was sick. (Shows you how sick I was!) It was really good! I'd watch it again, except I'm usually not home -- or inclined to turn the TV on -- when she's on.
Ooooo I love "Ever After"... very sweet. In fact, I like anything with Drew Barrymore in it.
Spams. Yucks! I'm with you on this one! And love the Ellen Show too (although I only saw it once at my family's place). Ellen's bubbly and full of zest.
Happy weekend, Julia!
Great list. I can do the alphabet but not sure if I can do 13 E's. I might have to ponder that one a while.
Now that I've read the JBRobb book you gave me, I know who Roarke is and I want him too! Muahahahahaha! (But I'm too scared that Eve will kick my a$$ if I dare come near him...)
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