I hope everyone enjoy celebrating 4th of July, yesterday! I mention on Friday, that I was going to be at my friend's house for a cook-out to celebrate it, on Saturday. The foods was...delicious! The hamburgers were so HUGE that you had to open your mouth very wide to take a good big bite *lol*. I had to cut it in half, so that it'll be easier for me to take a bite. I only managed to eat one half of that burger and safe the other for later *grin*. I also ate some hotdog, Okra fries, fruit salad and cupcakes (pic shown above). The cupcakes was the dessert I brought at the store. It was so gooood! The chocolate/white icing melted in my mouth --- YUM!
Friday July 3rd, when I went grocery shopping, I came across a book who author is a "new to me author". I think the book was her debut thrilling romantic suspense and it just came out this July. Reading from the front and back book cover art, it said that its to be scary, chilling, gritty, creepy romance suspense. I flipped to peek inside and read a couple of pages than couldn't make up my mind if I want to buy the book or not. I decided not to and went home and got online to read more information about both the author and that book. After reading a few reviews on the book, I went back to grocery store the next day in the morning (Saturday July 4th) to pick up my copy before heading to cook-out. I decided that it might be worth it, even though I don't know how much of a romance is focus in the book. But one reader said that it is worth it reading for the characters. I love reading books that are characters driven with good plot.

The book I'm talking about is One Scream Away by Kate Brady. I thought the cover art of the book were interesting and it just made me think that it more of romance than a thrilling. But readers who have read this, said it differ. Either way, book cover art isn't what made me buy the book. It words of the mouths and raves from people I trust with same reading tastes as I do. It one of the reason why I didn't thought to pick up this book in the first place when I was debating about whether to buy it or not that last Friday, until I read reviews from trusted friend. plus I love romantic suspense/thrilling books too. *sigh*...I'm starting to buy books more faster than I could read them --- help! ;)
So now, this mean I brought three new books this weekend! ;0)
Happy Reading! And have a good Sunday!
Happy belated 4th July!
Julia, I share your problem about buying more books faster than I could read them! I'm panicking, actually. :p
The food you mentioned sounds delicious!!! The pic made me drool, hehe.
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