I went shopping today because everyone in the family got day off on Friday. So off we went --- shopping. Despite the 95 degree (feel like 103 degree) hot sun, we did get a little done. We decided to just get the important stuff from the grocery store too and than get the rest tomorrow (Sat). Since I'm always the one to bring desserts, I brought home 2 boxes of 24 pieces of 4th of July cupcakes fill with chocolate and white icing. I'm taking this with me over to my friend's house for a cook-out, Saturday(hot dogs, hamburgers,sausages, BBQ ribs..etc). But not before I spent some time with my family first. And than at night, we going to watch my friend's kids and neighbor shoot some fireworks. This weekend is going to be really busy for me :)
I did buy two books today. I was hoping to get more but there was not much books on shelves that I really WANT. Maybe next week, when I go Barnes and Noble or Walden Bookstore nearby the mall with my dearest friend-there might be more new books out by than. The two books I brought today are: Double Play by Jill Shalvis and Start Me Up by Victoria Dahl. I have read one or two books by Jill before and have loved what I read. She has the Firefighter series books and they're great! And one of the stand alone one I read was Get a Clue which was good. Its has been such a long while since I read Jill Shalvis' books and I want to get back to it. I was so excited to discover she had book out, about baseball (love to read sport romance) I don't even know if this is going to become a Baseball series or not, but from her website turn out that Pace’s best friend Wade O’Riley is getting his own story in few months. Victoria's is however, a "new to me author". I have heard about Talk Me Down from other readers and blogger's reviews on the first book. And while I'm bit behind to grab a copy of the first book when it first released, I decided to go ahead and grab the second book Start Me Up and than buy the first book later. I usually borrow "new to me authors" from library instead of buying them, because I wanted to test them first and if I think they're worth it, than I buy their books the next time. So...I don't know what made me go ahead and brought Start Me Up but maybe in the back of my mind, I think it will be worth it. I hope so :) And please do prays for me, when my TBR pile start to conspiracy against me at night for adding newbies to group *grin*
Next week, I'm hoping that I will see Love At First Flight by
Marie Force on shelf. I read Line of Scrimmage and really love the book. It was just a different and refreshing reading for me, I thought. And the main characters still stick in my mind long after the book end and when I closed it. I also hope to see Tasting Fear a brand new latest book by Shannon Mckenna. It's part of her romantic thrilling from the McCloud series book. I am three books behind but I brought them all. Books that I've already read by her so far, are great! thrilling, exciting, intense and so HOT! I'm looking forward to play catch up on it pretty soon. Than there is Dark and Deadly by Jeanne Adams, her 2nd book romantic suspense book that has been out since June of 2009. I just haven't brought it yet but I'm anxious to get my hand on it. I really enjoy reading Dark and Dangerous, her first book that has strong heroine and hero. And lot of action too. Have I ever mention that I love action and romance in my books ;) This is going to be a great summer!
I'm currently reading two books: Edge of Midnight by Shannon Mckenna (6th book in romance thrilling, McCloud Brother series) and Thread of Fear by Laura Griffin (romance suspense). And I am enjoy them both -- I'm gobbling them up as quickly. It fast pace reading. :)
I hope everyone have a great Happy 4th of July! Enjoy spending with your family, celebrate with foods and watch beautiful fireworks too :)

Enjoy all your new books, Julia! I sure hope they older books) don't start a conspiracy againstn you. That'd be too... err... funny...
I hope you had a wonderful celebration, Julia!
Happy reading with your new books! I look forward to reading your reviews on them soon! ;)
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