Last To Die by Kate Brady (sequel to ONE SCREAM AWAY). I did brought books last week, but I won't show it today. Instead, I want to go back a few months and show those books that I've brought but never post it. Above the post, are the two books I brought on the last week of August. With my busy life, I've forgotten to post it. It has been 3 months ago. There are still more books I need to show you, and I hope to get through those books as quickly as I can. Starting with books from September.
I recently had just finish reading the following books: THE DEVIL OF NANKING by Mo Hayder , CORRALLED by Lorelei James and RIDING WILD by Jaci Burton. And enjoy all of them. They was my 'new to me authors' but now, I think I'm going to read more books by them. If you decided to visit author's website, beware that the 2nd and 3rd links mean you're entering on your own risks. Because some of the their books are erotic books. So you must be 18 or older to enter ;)
Now I'm currently reading RUTHLESS by Anne Stuart. I'm really enjoying it so far. It's historical romance but I'm so used to reading lot of Stuart's romantic suspense books, which I devour. But no matter if it historical or suspense, one good thing Stuart does so well is writing dark heroes. That why I love Stuart's books so much! I know I'm going to want to read another book in between it but I've not decided which book(s) yet.
I'm hoping to post books I've read for the month of September, but with everything going on I'm not sure I can post it by tomorrow. I will try. When I lost everything from my memory stick files, I kinda had to relay on my blog to remember which books I read for which months. Or the totals I read from January - September. It got confusing. So until I get all that fix and correct, then I will post my 50 Books Challenge of months.
Today (Saturday), I came out of the bookstore...empty handed *gasp!* --- I know! Unheard of me, right?! But I didn't see books I want on shelves. Because most of the books are coming in two weeks -- eh! I can't wait that long! ;) I tried to use my free birthday drink coupon at Borders, but couldn't order a Pumpkin Spice Latte. The coupon are free ONLY for small coffee or tea - bleh! I just kinda gave the lady a -you-got-to-be-kidding-me look when I stared at her. And just left.
Yesterday (Friday) was mom birthday. And we invited guests (mostly parent's friends) to stop by and eat dinner with us. We had some chocolate cake, which we devour and it's so delicious! (view picture below). We also had some crabs too, and most are all gone.
Tomorrow (Sunday), we will have guests coming over because it has been almost 100+ months since my grandmother passed away. And mom will be serving one of our family favorite foods - Wanton Soup. I'll be helping mom, but this will take many hours to finish it. Many of the guests will be bring something when they come over too. This will be a long Sunday.
Have a good rest of the weekend, everyone! Happy reading everyone!
Mom's Birthday cake :) (click to enlarge it)

Sorry about not getting that pumpkin spice latte... You can give me that coupon and I'll drink the coffee for you. LOL! (Just kidding!)
Looking forward to see more of your books in the coming posts! Happy weekend!
I look forward to reading your review on Mo's book!!
I'm glad you're enjoying reading Ruthless. I'd ordered Breathless last week and I hope it'll arrive soon. I think no other authors can beat Anne Stuart when dark heroes are concerned. ;)
Glad you all had a wonderful birthday celebration with your mom!
@Alice - Would have given it to you, but I threw it away LOL! Maybe this week I will get myself some Pumpkin Spice Latte, this time. But I will have to cry when my money leave me ;)
@Melody - I will try to post Mo's book review as fast as my slow poke ability can go LOL! I'm excited that you've brought BREATHLESS, and hope it come in to you soon! And yes, Anne Stuart sure does write her dark heroes so well -- that why you and I are always fighting over Bastien ;)
Thanks both for b-day wish again. And I try to posts my upcoming books soon. Have a good reading :)
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