It get harder not to buy books when I stopped by Borders bookstore in the last two weeks. When I walk in last Saturday and see books, I started to pout and then whine silently. Then I reach out my hand, wanting to touch it but I can't. I tell myself it just only two more months, two more months...I end up just browsing through the shelves to see what books is already out. And then write them down on papers and add it on my wish list online later. This is to remind myself to buy them when I'm ready to next year. I did find few books I want and hope to get them soon! I tried to find Lori Armstrong mystery books, but I have seen NONE! I wonder if it because lots of people brought them and it ran out and the store need to restock it or the store just never stock them. I have read books by this author before but not under this name. But I would love to read them. After reading books by her other pen name Lorelei James (I love the Rough Rider series!)I was surprise to find she also write mysteries books. There are already two different mysteries series published. I need to catch up! Maybe I should talk with the Borders staff about re-stocking Lori Armstrong's Julie Collins series books.
While I was at Borders, I was hoping to get my favorite Pumpkin Spice Latte fix but was disappointed when it was replaced with new holiday drinks that Seattle's Best Coffee offer. I did tried their iced Peppermint Mocha Trio and it was so good! I never have this before so I was unexpectedly surprise how yummy it was. They also offer two other holidays drink Sugar and Spice Latte and Gingerbread Latte. I'm definitely going to order this again next week! Anyone ever had these three drinks before? What your thoughts? I would love to hear it :) Although I have always been a Caramel Frappuccino drinker at Starbucks, I'm always craving for drinks at Borders' Seattle's Best Coffee much more.
I've not been reading lately. Too busy and always doing house chores -- yuck! -- or play catch up on emails and watching TV shows. But I'm starring at my TBR pile everyday to remind myself I have books starring back at me too. It like a starring contest but no one win tehehe. It waiting for me to pick them up! I think I'm itching to read Anne Stuart's book #3 Breathless, of The House of Rohan trilogy (I love her work!). Or maybe book #3 Inside Out by Lauren Dane. But I have yet to read book #1 Laid Bare, yet. I usually read series/trilogies in orders, I'm anal like that, but this time I didn't with these Brown Siblings series. I started with Coming Undone, instead. I love the emotions, the issues that arise from the characters and the loves they give each others. They may not be perfect but they have scars, flaw and insecurities that make them real to me. That why I love them! Anyone enjoy a erotic contemporary romance, would love this series!
What books I'm waiting and anxious to get on hands for upcoming release in the next few months? I can lists some books from now through next year. Like Nora Roberts' Happy Ever After (already out). Lora Leigh's Styx's Storm (already out), Shannon K.Butcher's Living Nightmare (already out), Stephanie Tyler's Promises In the Dark (release 11-23-10), Toni Blake's Whisper Falls (release 12-28-10), Maya Banks' No Place To Run (12-7-10), Olivia Cunning's Rock Hard(release 4-2011), Ava gray's Skin Heat (release 1-4-11)...I am sure there more books but I just can't remember them. I need to find those list papers and wish list online. I will have to check and list it here another time *grin*.
My friend birthday was on Friday Nov 12. But we decided to have a little family dinner party on Saturday instead. Her sister cooked some Gumbo soup. In the soup was, some crabs and shrimps. Just add rices and we are good. We also had some sweet potatoes and bread spread in butter for the side dish. And plus, what a birthday without a cake! So we had some of that too :) I love to have dinner with friends. Especially my best friends. They are like a part of my family, I grew up with them. After singing Happy Birthday, eat cake and pass gifts to the birthday girl, we then sat down and chat. I had a wonderful time! It has been a long times since we done this because everyone been so busy lately. Next week, we having our usual Thanksgiving dinner early. So I be baking yams casserole for dinner. While my friends and her sister bakes the other stuff (greenbean casserole, Mac & Cheese casserole, turkey, cranberries..etc). Looking forward to this! I'm sure I be with my real family for Thanksgiving, but I have yet to know what dishes I am baking this times. I'm thinking maybe greenbean casserole, since that is my favorite. And Stove Top dressing and mash potatoes. Maybe mac & cheese. Mom will do the turkey. I have not yet master baking turkey yet.... teeheee. But Thanksgiving won't be fun without my sisters to join us. I miss her already! :)
Happy reading and have a good week! :)
Enjoy your new books, Julia! And ooh, I didn't know that Shannon K Butcher's book is already out, so I need to check that out.
I'm glad you had a wonderful time at your friend's birthday party. :)
Thanks, Melody! Yep Shannon K Butcher had another book out. But I don't think it her romance suspense book. And I did had wonderful time at friend's b-day dinner :)
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