(Contemporary Romance)
Extreme Bachelor is the second book to the "Thrillseekers Anonymous" trilogy. The "Thrillseekers Anonymous is a members - only adventure service that caters to the rich and famous. It was started by 4 men who former life was doing dangerous stuff. To read more on these Thrillseekers Anonymous Book series, click the link here: Julia London
Michael Raney was a former CIA operative who dumped Leah when he was called out on mission 5 years ago. He was never saw or heard from again until they coincidentally see each other at the film making for "Soccer Mom". He is now a stunt coordinator, and is there to give the actresses stunt lessons. He spent a lot of time with his buddies at Thrillseekers Anonymous "T.A.", after he left the CIA.
Leah was an actress who was a rising theater star in New York City and in love with Michael, until he dumped her. After he was out of her life, she took a sudden bad turn. She then move from New York to LA for a small role in "soccer mom". And for that role, she had to take a 3 week training camp to learn how to do stunts for the film.
They were surprised to see each other again, but then learned later that Jack had set them up. Michael hoped to get a second chance with Leah, so he told her that he was a former CIA and was on mission when he left her 5 years ago. Leah didn't believe him and laughed it off. Later, when she realized he was telling the truth she decided to give him a chance. But then she saw him around other actresses and found that she couldn't trust him, after all he is "extreme bachelor", so she broke it off. And no matter how many time Michael tell her that she is the only one for him, she won't trust him
Leah hasn't forgotten a single moment that they have spent together in the past. The dream that Michael tarnished for her were gone. And to start their relationship where they left off was tempting. Then she met a stranger who invited her to lunch and they became fast friend. But he was not who he seemed to be.
Extreme Bachelor was a very charming and romantic. Sometimes I wanted to yell at the heroine, because of her ignorance. I like Michael because he tried to redeem himself afte leaving Leah 5 year ago. And even though he is ladies man, he tried to change that when he realized that Leah was the one. The couple struggle with their relationship and wonder if it worth fighting for. Good, fun and entertaining book. You'll see the previous men from Wedding Surivior too :)
There has not been a good reviews at Amazon on this book, and I can't understand it. But I do know that I like the book :) I guess as long as hero redeem himself, then I'm okay with the book. I can't wait to read the third book American Diva which coming out in August 2007, in trade size paperback. Yep that is correct....trade size paperback. Geez can you believe that? *sigh*
FYI - I finished this book on 10-8-06 but delayed posting it until today :)
I didn't mind this book when I read it! I liked the first book in the series a bit better. I don't quite understand why there is such a long gap to the next one, but I will definitely be getting it when it does come out!
Marg - I like the first book more better than second book, too. Did you know that the third book will be out in trade size paper? If I remember, I think Julia London said that her publisher wanted to experience it or something......*shrug*
All I knew about the third book is that it seems as though it is going to take forever to come out!!!
The Hot Ticket anthology came out in a bigger size as well, and Julia London had a novella in that as well. I didn't think I could justify spending so much on an anthology when I have yet to read one where I really liked all of the stories in it, so I guess I have to hope that it comes out in paperback eventually!
LOL Marg- I think every books that we been waiting for long time - seem to take forever to come out! LOL
Yeah - I know that Hot Ticket will be out in trade size too. I'm going to have to wait for paperback for this one *sigh*....
I have not read an anthology where I like all stories either. I end up liking one or two out of the rest of the stories. But Darla have experince with that too, I think...( Am I right Darla?)
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