Monday, December 11, 2006

Rec'd series books / Christine Feehan

I admit - I'm one of the few people who didn't read too far from Feehan's Dark series. It became popular today, and more new people are starting to reconized her everyday. Feehan's have so many different series books for everyone to enjoy, lucky for that I have enjoy her other works much better :)

Here is Christine website if you would like to take look and see if you're interest in any books she has written.

I would like to recommend one of my favorite series written by her.
The GhostWalkers series are about a group of military men, who was taken in for science experiment. Things went wrong and they escape. They later learn that there are other people like them, who have different special ability and may harms themselves or the other innocence. So their mission was to find them quickly before any damaged can happen. And each men work together with the heroines as equal partner, which give them both strengths and abilities in order to survive.

The story have plenty of actions and romance. It is thrilling and powerful. It has paranormal elements sci-fic to it. Humors and intense scenes. It is a great series! The order the books come in are:

GhostWalker series:

- Shadow Game
- Mind Game
- Night Game
- Conspiracy Game
- Deadly Game ( releasing in February 27, 2007 )

I love this series and have enjoy all the books. And I hope you will too :)

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