I wish to add more then just 13, because there are more favorite series books out there that are worth the reading. Anyone who know me by now, know that I'm huge fan of series books. So if you have any series recommendation, please let me know. I would love to hear it! :) Okay now for my 13 list.......
1. The In Death Series by JDRobb - I found this series by coincident. I was reading Nora Roberts book, and then when there nothing else to read I saw by chance Witness In Death and brought it home to read. I thought how similar the name was to Nora Roberts books and then 1 years later I found out that JDRobb and Nora Roberts is one and the same person. And I went through the whole backlist, starting with buying the first book Naked In Death.
2. The Troubleshooter Series by Suzanne Brockmann - I was recommend this series books by a guy friend. He told me that it was Navy SEALs series. At first I wasn't sure about reading it but I borrow the first book from the library. I took it home and read it. And I love it. I mainly kept reading the series because of Sam Starrett and his relationship with the heroine, Alyssa. They are my favorite couple. Of course there also Tom & Kelly, Max & Gina too :)
3. The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon - I was recommend this series from one of my yahoo reading group. At first I was terrified of the thick books. But I decided to read it anyway. The first few chapters didn't really interested or grab me yet, and I was just about thinking how I going to drop reading it but after over 100+ pages the story got better. I love this series, I felt like am sitting on the floor listening to Diana Gabaldon tell me a story of lifetime. Don't let the thick books or the heavy descriptive detailed sway you away from reading the books. It worth it the reading.
4. The Chicago Star Series by Susan Elizabeth Phillips - I read half of the first two stand alone books by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. And didn't even finish it. I was about to give up, but as they said the third time is always the charm...right? So a friend of mine, Jill recommended me Chicago Stars Series, after she knew am fan of series books. Thanks to her I would have miss reading one of the most wonderful series. I love the humors in this story. And how the men and women aren't perfect but they learn about themselves and growth from the relationship too.
5. The Moon Series by Rebecca York - My good friend Darla, recommend me to read this series. At first I was really skeptical because I was burn too many time on some vamps stories. Sorry to all the vamps readers fan, it just not my cup of tea. But the first chapter to this first book, really grab me and I read it in one sitting. I really love all the main hero characters in each books. Thanks to Darla and Rebecca York, they got me into the werewolves world. I do love paranormals book but I'm not keen with vamps...sorry once again
6. The Ghostwalker Series by Christine Feehan - After reading some of the The Dark series I gave up reading the rest of the books. Because vamps was just not my cup of teas. However, I discover The Ghostwalker Series and really love this series. Military men, yummy!
7. The Bullet Catcher Series by Roxanne St. Claire - I think I discover this series when I notice one of the reviewers was talking about the men in the one of the book. I love the humors and yummy heroes in them. I can't wait to read more about them! It about a group of men who get hired to protect and bodyguard the people....the heroine ;)
8. The Ice Series by Anne Stuart - I discover this series at one of the message board that I visit daily. I was curious when some of the reader mention that Anne Stuart was either miss or hit books. There were lot of controversy topics about certain stuff(but really mean small thing to me). And after listening to one of my friend highly recommend it, I decided to read it. And WOW am so glad I did. I got one of my good friend hooked into this series as well and she and I are planning to read all the Ice Series together ;)
9. The Bodyguard Series by Cindy Gerard - Again I discover this series from reviewers at one of the reading group that I joined. Very deep writing and emotional depth with good cast characters and lot of actions
10. The NYC Hockey Blaze Series by Deirdre Martin - I was looking for another sport themes books, after reading and fallen in love with Susan Elizabeth Phillips's Chicago Stars Series . This series is... you either like one books more better than the others or all of them. For me it is the first option.....but I'm still going to continue to read this series, that is if there another series :)
11. The Stephanie Plum Series by Janet Evanovich - This was recommend by my best yahoo reading group. So glad they did because through out the series I find myself laughing so much. And I love both heroes and heroine :)
12. The Crazy Series by Tara Janzen - This was also recommend by my best yahoo reading group. The steamy scenes....the wonderful cast of characters. It easy fast pace read and entertaining.
13. The McCloud Series by Shannon McKenna - Very erotic steamy romance with great group of characters. Action and good writing in depth.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Darla's Discovering favorite authors
2. 13 Things About Kim Rees
3. Raggedy 13 Letter of Recommendation
4. Debi's College Years
5. Christine's 13 St. Patrick's Day
6. 13 Things About Janet
7. Susan's St. Patrick's Day adventures
8. Mercy's Maid Firewall Ruining Life
(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Hee. Guess what I'm reading....
Ice Blue! It's GOOOOOOOD. :)
You know which ones of those I read. It's more than half, at least. And I suspect I've already alerted you to any series I might read that you don't.
Hmmm. How about P. C. Cast's Goddess series? Paranormal, but NO VAMPIRES. How can you resist a romance with Apollo or Hades (talk about a tortured hero!)?
I have one of the Goddess books here to read one of these days. There are some good ones on your lists...either series I have read some of, or series I mean to read some of!
Ooh Something Christine Feehan that isn't Vamps. Glad I dropped by *grin*
We read many of the same books. I read Outlander a long time ago and I was telling someone about it a few weeks ago and could not for the life of me remember the title. Thank you!
Happy TT'ing!
Ooh, I like series books also. Have you tried Leonard Goldberg's Joanna Blalock series? Joanna Blalock is a forensic pathologist solving mysteries. I also really like Sara Paretsky's series on a female detective in Chicago - the V.I. Warshawski series.
I love series books too! I've read some of the ones on your list, most notably some of the Susan Elizabeth Phillips books (she has a new one out, I saw the other day) and the Plum books. I read a lot of Christian fiction series books. And I have several Nora Roberts series books I want to read, but haven't gotten to yet.
Several of these I haven't heard of, so I'll have to check them out. Thanks for the ideas :)
I almost hate to say this but I haven't read any of these. I think I'm going to try the In Death series though. I keep hearing amazing things about it.
I've only ever heard of Janet Evanovich on your list!
Darla - That so wonderful that you like Ice Blue! I was wild to hear that you were reading Anne Stuart and was crossing fingers that you like her LOL...I never heard of P.C. cast's Goddess series, but you already know I love tortured hero! Will take look at her site later. Thanks, you know I always looked forward to your recommend anytime! :)
Marg - Let me know how you like Goddess series when you get around to it. So which of the series you mean to read some of?
Kim Rees - Do try Christine Feehan's Ghostwalker. It paranormal but it no vamps!
Raggedy - First I want to say how clever and creative your Thursday thirteen was. Love it. Glad I help refresh you on the Outlander title :) It was darn good read IMO!
Twiga92 - I haven't tried Leonard Goldberg's Joanna Blalock series or the Sara Paretsky's series either. But I do love a good female detective with mystery and romance in between *grin* Thanks - well check these series out
Stacy - Your welcome for the ideas :) I'm currently reading Susan Elizabeth Phillips latest book right now *grin* and so far am loving it! Do try reading Nora Roberts books, they are great :)
Christine - LOL....these list are good time now for you to try them *grin*. The In Death series are really really good. It had plenty of humors and great cast of characters and good msytery. And who can't help but love Roarke? YUMMY!
Janet - I love Janet Evanovich too. If you like humors then try Susan Elizabeth Phillips's Chicago Stars series. They are about football heroes...well some of the heroes aren't all football but they are relation to them. Please do try the series I listed, you might find something new :)
Thanks everyone for the recommendation and stopping by my blog...Happy TTs and Happy reading! Hope everyone have a nice day :)
I've got to go investigate a hockey series! I'm a HUGE hockey fan (used to play AND coach, in fact. Yes, I'm a girl. Didn't let that stop me)
Other series I love... Ooh, a lot of them... Kim Harrison and Rachel Caine both do killer paranormals. Aunt Dimity is a great series (Aunt Dimity is the character, not the author) of cozy mysteries. Linda Fairstein writes cool legal procedurals, as does Lisa Scottoline, but they are different and both worth checking out. And ... and... and...
Who, me? A book junkie? Nah...
Happy TT! Thanks, as always, for stopping by West of Mars!
I haven't read any of the series that you mentioned, but I am currently reading the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson series by Louise Rennison and loving it.
Wow, Julia, this is a great TT! And not to mention you have a great list here! :)
I appreciate your list! I'm always struggling to find current authors I'm interested in. Thanks for the suggestions!
Susan - I hope you like Deirdre Martin's Hockey series. I get nervous when I recommend books to people LOL. I never heard of the authors but will take a look
Mercy - Never heard of Georgia Nicolson series, but will take look. Thanks for suggestion
Melody - Thanks - I figure you stop by, since Anne Stuart is mention hehehe
Ctina - your welcome :) Thanks for the appreciation my list :) Hope these list will expand your interest.
Thanks again everyone for stopping by
Julia, I will stop by no matter what subject you have here!!! :)
Yay, a booklist; love them! I know a lot of the series you mention, but I'm definitely going to check out the others. Thank you for the tips!
Thanks for visiting my handbag TT!
Oh...this is a great post!! I have so many books at home that I'm afraid to read because they are in a series! When will I ever find the time to read all of them?? I do love the Stephanie Plum books though! So Funny!
series are always fun, because if you like it there's always more. thanks for sharing!
I don't know if she is still adding to it, but I have enjoyed Ayelet Waldman's Mommy Track Mysteries series. (Waldman is married to Michael Chabon.)
Melody - as always you are my numbers one fan *grin* Thanks so much!
Tink - Your welcome for the tips :)
Stephanie - I love Stephanis Plum series too. I hope that these series I listed, would entice you to read them ;) What books series you have that you haven't read yet?
Uisce - Right, if we like them we want more LOL !
Di - I haven't try Ayelet Waldman's Mommy Track Mysteries series. Thanks for recommend. I take look on it :)
I want to thanks everyone for stopping by and again for your recommend. This have been fun :)
It's so sad I've only sampled one of those series =(
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