Thursday, April 26, 2007

Seasonal Reading

Booking Through Thursday

  1. Does what you read vary by the season? For instance, Do you read different kinds of books in the summer than the winter?

  2. If so, do you break it down by genre, length of book, or...?

- Although romance suspense is my favorite genres, I do read vary different kind of genres book. But I never read for the season. I just whatever books that I am in the moods for no matter what season it is.

However, every once in awhile I try to read a Christmas book during Christmas time. Mine favorite holidays ;)I just tend to not always read the Christmas books during holiday because there always something else I REALLY want to read before it, that I need to get to or else I'll be far behind on the series books. *grin*. But last year I was able to read one and it was fun. Hope I'm able to do it again this year, but don't count me on it. It never goes the way I planned and I do notice there are more books coming out around that time. And it not Christmas theme *grin*

How about you? Answer it here on the comments box :)


Melody said...

Hey Julia, I do agree that it's more fun to read a Christmas theme book nearer to the holiday...after all, it adds to the holiday mood. :)

Debi said...

Totally agree about the Christmas books. I just can't seem to make myself read a Christmas-themed book if it's not the holiday season.

Alice said...

Hi Julia, how I agree with you. I am always thinking reading this and that, but there's always something else that comes along. LOL. I have books all the way back in 2000 that I haven't touched. And so I bought and accumulate,and the pile gets bigger and bigger... BUT, I resolve to finish 'em one day. Yes, ONE day. :)

Marianne Arkins said...

I love to read stuff out of season... and do it all the time. There are so many seasonal stories released at the same time, how can you read them all?

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Christmas books do add to the holiday mood!

Thanks for commenting on my blog!


alisonwonderland said...

I've been meaning to read The Christmas Box at Christmas time the past several years, but I haven't managed to get to it yet.

Happy BTT!

Julia said...

Melody - It sure does add the holidays mood :)

Debi - I love Christmas, and it really a great if I able to read the theme on that holidays, but other books always get in the way *grin*

Alice - I have books that been over back in years 2000 LOL...TPR pile do tend to get bigger and bigger..doesn't it? *grin*...I always chuckle when you comments my blog :)

Marianne - I know, how would we read it all when other books come out at same time..I just applause who ever can do it *grin*

Sherry - It sure do...thanks for being here

Alison - welcome to BTT & TTs! Who wrote "The Christmas Box"?

Thanks everyone for stopping by! Have a good BTT - and nice day

Literary Feline said...

You sound just like me! Haha