Contemporary Romance - Silhouette SE
Nora Roberts website
4 half/5
I'm re-reading Waiting For Nick for another book discussion with Darla for the JDRobb group. It just the same way when I wad doing my re-reading Convincing Alex , which I posted a review here two days ago. I have the 1997 original book cover of Silhouette Special Edition. There is an 2001 reprint of the same book cover for this book.
Frederic Kimball had been waiting, all her life to grown up and become a responsible woman. She wait for the day when she can be on her own and show everyone she not a little girl anymore. But more important, Freddie waited for the day when Nick Lebeck, a trouble bad boy, would fall in love with her as much as she have always been all of her life. But when the day have come and she met Nick again, he refuse to admit how grown up she is. But Freddie know he want her and she will do anything to get him to finally see it. So she was determined to made herself become his partner and write lyrics for the musics he composes. As she put her plan to win Nick love, Nick find it hard to resist and fight the attraction.
Nick Lebeck didn't know how to reacted when he saw Freddie all grown up. He is use to seeing sweet, adorable Freddie who he loved like kid sister. But she is making him feel things that he think he shouldn't and it make it difficult for him to not resist her heart.
Waiting For Nick was a sweet, fun and fallen in love romance story. A little girl's childhood crush that turn into real love. It make you want to smile and laugh when you see them together. You just can't help but fall in love with them. You will see the wonderful characters, The Stanislaski Family again. A family of value, interaction, love and relationship. And evidence that Nora is really good at. Not only that, but Nora does well with real dialogues and male POV too. She really good writing dynamics of family. That what I love about her writing style.
Waiting for Nick is the spin off and the 5th installment in The Stanislaski Family. You might want to read the other "The Stanislaski" books before this one. The order are:
Taming Natasha (1990)
Luring a Lady (1991)
Falling for Rachel (1993)
Convincing Alex (1994)
Waiting for Nick (1997)
Considering Kate (2001)
Hey Julia! It's great that you've the original copy of this book, because I don't think I'm able to find this copy around, not even the reprinted copy.
This sounds like a great story...if only I'm able to get the book!
And I can't find any Anne Stuart's book in Kinokuniya or any local bookstores... Hmmm...
Will explore more of NR in the very near future. Thanks for the recommendation, Julia!
Thanks Melody and Alice for visiting and leaving comments *big grin*....this book is actually one of Nora's older classic books.
And Alice - what do you mean you can't find Anne Stuarts's books *gasp!* :::thuds::: *grin*. I think you're having same problem that Melody did. It seem Anne Stuarts books take a long time until it become available where you two are :)
Alice, do you mean you can't get the latest release or the older releases by Anne Stuart?
They're not sold at all here. Acmabooks said it doesn't sell in Malaysia. I wonder why?...
That's strange, but I do agree it's hard to find her books in the bookstores. It's the same over here.
*sigh* Does that means you've to buy them from B&N or Amazon?
I'll check out the used bookstores in SG first when visit in 3 week's time... Hopefully I can find something there... :D
Did I hear it wrongly? Did you say you're coming here in another 3 weeks' time?? Whoa! I hope you've fun visiting! And make sure you buy lots of things back home, LOL!
PS: Yes, try the used bookstores. There's a higher chance that you might find her books there! :P Good luck!!!
Thanks, Mel!!
You know, I really need to read more Nora Roberts romance. I remember liking her stuff in this genre but can not remember what I read now lol
Hi Erin - thanks for stopping by...please do read more of NR's books. Have you order the latest book High Noon yet? *grin*
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